Observing a medicine dieta is a deep honoring of the journey and a totally renegade approach in these times. Ultimately, through the experience with dieta and the medicines, and the alchemy of your transformation, what you bring back to others and Earth really matters.

When referring to dieta, it’s essential to abstain from substances and experiences that instigate static or energetic interference for a person. In the open space a dieta creates, it allows the plants and medicines to amplify transformation and healing potential.

Through this multidimensional system, a master teacher plant or other higher Spirit will offer information, protection, transformation and healing to the recipient. Maestros, Curanderos, Master Healers, since the beginning of time have used dieta of plants, master energies, seclusion from other people and distractions, fasting and abstinence as a way to seek guidance, healing and wisdom from the plant spirits.